Tiziano Citro.

Just a photo of me.

About me

Who Am I?
What Am I Doing?

Hello there! I’m Tiziano Citro, a Software Engineer with over 3 years of experience, currently pursuing my PhD studies at Università degli Studi di Salerno, where my research focuses on Large Language Models and Neural Networks and their application in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Recommender Systems.

I'm an enthusiast who loves studying technologies, discussing them, and finding ways to integrate them into everyday workflows. My main interests span AI (Large Language Models and Neural Networks), Cloud Computing, Distributed Systems, and Backend Engineering. I also find DevOps and Frontend Engineering exciting and enjoyable.

You can find me on Linkedin, GitHub, and Google Scholar!


What About My Skills?

I have worked with many programming languages, libraries, frameworks, and technologies throughout my career as a Software Engineer, both for professional and personal projects. Here are some that I work with or like to use.

  • Microsoft Azure
    Azure logo
  • Amazon Web Services
    AWS logo
  • Python
    Python logo
  • PyTorch
    PyTorch logo
  • Scikit-Learn
    PyTorch logo
  • Go
    Go logo
  • Java
    Java logo
  • Spring
    Spring logo
  • TypeScript
    TypeScript logo
  • JavaScript
    JavaScript logo
  • Node.js
    Node.js logo
  • React
    React logo
  • Next
    Next logo
  • Shell Script
    Shell Script logo
  • Docker
    Docker logo
  • Kubernetes
    Kubernetes logo
  • Rancher
    Rancher logo
  • Github Actions
    Github Actions logo
  • Harbor
    Harbor logo
  • Linux
    Linux logo
  • Redis
    Redis logo
  • Apache Kafka
    Apache Kafka logo
  • RabbitMQ
    RabbitMQ logo
    NGINX logo
  • MongoDB
    MongoDB logo
  • Postgres
    Postgres logo
  • MySQL
    MySQL logo
  • Oracle DB
    Oracle DB logo
  • MinIO
    MinIO logo


What About My Expertise?

Where did I come from? What have I done? What am I doing now?


  1. PhD - Computer Science @ Università degli Studi di Salerno

    Nov 2023 — Present

    My PhD research focuses on Large Language Models and Neural Networks (Transformers, Graph Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Networks) and their application in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Recommender Systems.

    I designed and was the primary instructor for the practical part of the Cloud Computing class, which focused on Microsoft Azure and Microsoft certifications: Azure Fundamentals, Azure Developer Associate, and Azure Security Engineer Associate. I was also the teaching assistant for the Distributed Systems class.

    Alongside my research activities, I'm actively involved in Cybersecurity-related projects, exploring AI-driven and collaborative solutions with a particular focus on Cyber Threat Intelligence.

  2. Master's Degree - Computer Science, specialization Cloud Computing @ Università degli Studi di Salerno

    Dec 2020 — Apr 2023

    Relevant Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Serverless Computing, Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Distributed Architectures, Advanced Algorithms, Cybersecurity, Data Compression.

  3. Bachelor's Degree - Computer Science @ Università degli Studi di Salerno

    Sep 2017 — Dec 2020

    Relevant Courses: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Distributed Systems, Software Engineering, Web Development, Networking, Databases, Mobile Development, Algorithm Design, Operating Systems, Computer Architectures, Probability and Statistics, Theory of Computation.

Work Experience

  1. Software Engineer @ CeRICT

    May 2023 — Present

    I collaborated with the 3Dify Computer Vision team to:
    — Create a platform for uploading and automatically converting 2D pictures into animated, customizable 3D avatars using TypeScript, Next.js, AWS S3, MinIO, and MongoDB.
    — Develop an AI-based solution using Python, MediaPipe, and OpenCV to extract facial landmarks from 2D pictures for 3D avatar customization.

    I also contributed to the CS-AWARE NEXT project funded by the European Commission, where I designed and developed the CS-Connect platform, which allows to:
    — Manage the life-cycle of security incidents and anomalies detected by an AI pipeline, requesting human intervention when necessary.
    — Collaboratively create and manage security, business continuity, and disaster recovery policies.
    — Share and collaborate on Cyber Threat Intelligence and Cybersecurity-related information sourced from government agencies, public administrations, social media, and other channels.
    — Manage organizational assets through a system graph that visualizes assets and their connections.
    — Navigate relationships with other parties in the supply chain via a graph that models the interconnectedness between organizations.

    CS-Connect was developed by customizing the Mattermost open-source collaboration platform using React, TypeScript, and Go and then deployed within Docker containers on Amazon Web Services. Cyber Threat Intelligence was exchanged using STIX, while policies and courses of action for Cybersecurity operations were implemented via CACAO playbooks.

    Before its deployment in production, CS-Connect underwent testing through pilots and real-user interactions in numerous in-person and remote workshops, during which I conducted demos and presentations.

  2. Software Engineer @ ITSvil

    Jan 2021 — Apr 2023

    I contributed to successful healthcare and tourism projects, where I:
    — Designed, developed, and maintained event-driven microservice architectures using Java, Spring Boot, Apache Kafka, Redis, MongoDB, OracleDB, and PostgreSQL.
    — Distributed applications using Docker, Harbor, Kubernetes, Kustomize, Rancher, and Longhorn.
    — Customized, configured, and distributed API Gateway, Service Discovery, and other standard patterns in microservice architectures, such as Circuit Breaker, using Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS (e.g., Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix), and Resilience4j.
    — Developed automation solutions with Python and Bash scripting, streamlining processes and reducing manual overhead.
    — Secured applications by configuring authentication, Single Sign-On (SSO), and authorization solutions using Spring Security, Keycloak, and protocols such as OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and SAML.
    — Contributed to developing and maintaining ESB solutions using Java and JavaScript.
    — Delivered compelling presentations on project progress and research findings to stakeholders and team members.

  3. Software Engineer Intern @ ITSvil

    Jul 2020 — Sep 2020

    I joined the backend engineering team and developed a microservice to streamline the process of sharing content, such as text, pictures, and videos, on social media.

    The microservice was built using mainly Java and Spring Boot and offered APIs that allowed the team to create UI components for users to share on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram with the ease of a click. Furthermore, the microservice was successfully integrated within an existing microservice architecture that powered an online store for local businesses to improve their online presence and boost earnings.


Where Can You Find Me?
Let's Connect!

I look forward to connecting with you and staying in touch!